On Sani`s trips, you have the opportunity to explore untouched forests, understand the intrinsic relationships between plants and animals, search for stunning flora and fauna, and learn from ancient cultures: the true treasures of the Amazon Rainforest. When you stay at Sani Lodge, you become part of the extended community where we share and teach you about our environment and culture. At Sani Lodge, you are not only choosing an amazing adventure but also the opportunity to immerse yourself in the Amazon Kichwa lifestyle. Come and join us, to support the indigenous community and the Rainforest conservation that you will love to call home.


Sani Isla is included in the list of the 100 best sustainable destinations in 2019, awarded by the Green Destination committee, becoming the only destination within this list for the entire Ecuadorian Amazon. Being included on this list is highly prestigious, as these destinations actively represent world leadership in protecting their scenic views, natural habitats and wildlife, as well as respect for animals and indigenous communities, becoming a standard for the development of sustainable tourism for other countries.Sani Isla has shown this potential for which it has also won the Best of Nature award!


To reach the Tower, your guide will take you on a 30 minute row boat ride across Lake Challuacocha followed by a short 10-minute walk. Once atop the Tower, you can truly experience the visual magic of the Amazon. As you gaze out over the top of the lush green jungle canopy, look for the elusive White-throated Toucan and Red Howler Monkeys asleep in the treetops. More than 565 species of birds have been recorded from the Tower, including colorful macaws, toucans, honeycreepers, tanagers, flycatchers, and hummingbirds. The Tower will be highlight of your trip!

Why choose Sani Lodge?

Guided Experience

The guides are with you every step of the way, serving as the bridge between you and the rainforest, making your experience safe from any other factors.

Natural Beauty 

Sani Lodge delivers the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in our primary rainforest. This lush landscape is home to vast varieties of wildlife including birds, mammals, and reptiles. Encounter this breathtaking biodiversity and incomparable scenery through The low-impact trails built with environmental safety in mind.

Protect the Rainforest

By visiting Sani Lodge, you are participating in sustainable tourism that preserves an unspoiled part of the earth and reduces the pressure to allow development that would infringe on the natural rainforest environment.

Empower Women 

Traditionally, in many local communities, jobs and economic freedom for women are limited, but at Sani Lodge, we ensure that all members of the community are included. Sani Lodge proudly partners with the Sani Warmi project, empowering Sani women to run their businesses making and selling artisan crafts. 

Comfort tied with Immersion

Staying at Sani Lodge means relaxing in our comfortable cabins, enjoying the native Ecuadorian food, and having all the amenities needed to feel at home with the Kichwa. Our goal is to ensure that you have a local integrative experience so that you can feel completely immersed in the magic of the rainforest.

Love getaways

Romantic getaways with the adventurous touch of the Amazon rainforest are ideal for couples seeking an exclusive experience.
Ask for more specific informationa bout: Proposal or Weddings. 



Our friendly staff form the backbone of the Sani Lodge experience, and are always available to cater to any special needs you may have.


Enjoy a beer or cocktail. We also have a well-curated wine list including wines from Chile, Argentina and Ecuador.


Free Wi-Fi with a passcode all around the lodge and rooms. Ask for the passcode at reception.


Throughout the Lodge, 24-hour electricity is provided by a distant, nearly inaudible generator.

Boots & Ponchos

Clean and disinfected bubber boots and rain ponchos are available for all of our guests at the Lodge, free of charge.


Purified, safe drinking water is available at multiple points around the Lodge – there’s no need to bring your own bottled water.


Service times are adapted to your itineraries and food is served buffet style or restaurant style, depending on the number of visitors. Vegetables and vegans are welcome. 

Fans & Screened Windows

To protect from mosquitos, the windows are screened and a fan is provided in your room to refresh yourself after a day of activities. 




Per Person

DAY 1 

Your journey starts with a 35-minute flight from Quito- to Coca where the staff will pick you up and transfer to a local hotel located on the banks of Napo River. There, your bilingual guides will explain about safety before embarking for a 3 hour boat trip on the largest Ecuadorian affluent of the Amazon, the Napo River. During the journey you get a taste of the Amazon; ancestral communities, birds such as: herons, egrets, vultures, while enjoying packed lunch. The canoe ride is followed by a 5 minute walk and 20-minute paddle canoe across the Challuacocha creek. The staff will welcome you with refreshing cold drinks and snacks before you settle down in your cabins.

Later, you’ll have the option to take short walk on nearby trails or take a canoe ride with the chance to observe primates, Amazonian birds, black caimans in their primitive setting. You’ll also have a close encounter with the amazing flora represented by cedar trees, orchids, and bromeliads. Upon your return to the lodge, our chef will be happy to offer a wide variety of national and international cuisine that caters celiacs, vegetarians and vegans.

After dinner explore our black-water Oxbow Lake, a haven for one of the increasingly endangered species, the black caiman. This lake supports a healthy population of these large South-American crocodiles, which can measure up to 6 meters (18ft.) long. Return to the lodge.

DAY 2 

After breakfast, experience the life on the tree tops from the 36 meter (118 ft.) observation tower. To get there, your leaders will paddle on the Challuaco-cha Lake for about 30 minutes through a beautiful Igapo Forest and a short 10-minute walk. Over 565 species of birds have been registered so far, including colorful birds such as macaws, toucans, honey-creepers, tanagers, flycatchers, hummingbirds and with a bit of luck a close view of howler, squirrel monkeys and sloths resting on the canopy. The tower gives you a unique perspective, opening up a whole new world of Amazon biodiversity that is often difficult, if not impossible to see from the understory. The journey continues exploring the nearby trails searching for more Amazonian creatures. Return to the lodge for lunch.

After lunch, there are many alternative activities for your enjoyment, bird-watching from the dining hall or simply getting to relax on the hammocks. In the after-noon, hike Chorongo or Coto trails of 3 hours, fantastic terra-firme forest to discover the relationships among the different living creatures and the role they play in this complex ecosystem. Orchids, vines, strangler figs, ancient trees; bromeliads are all part of this fabulous tropical rainforest. Dinner at the lodge.

After dinner take a night walk to see how myriads of insects, spiders and frogs come alive.

DAY 3 

After early breakfast head back to the Napo River to board the motor canoe and visit the parrot clay lick at Yasuní, a natural land slide where hundreds of parrots search for a gap to land and eat the earth. Here you will see Mealy Amazon, Yellow-crowned, Orange-winged and Blue-headed parrots. Continue with a walk on the south of the Yasuní for a wonderful view of flora and fauna of this area considered by scientists to be the most biodiverse area in the world. Here some species that cannot be found in the north like the gold- en-mantled tamarins, spider monkeys, Blue and yellow macaws and with a bit of luck a close encounter with white-lipped or collared pecca- ries. Head back to Sani Community Center to visit a native house to get a taste of how a typical Kichwa family lives. Enjoy their food, drinks, customs, and culture of the Sani community and learn how the lifestyle of the locals is environmentally sustainable. Return to the lodge for piranha fishing and a well-de- served diner.

DAY 4 

Depart from the lodge at 5:00 a.m. for the last canoe ride and encounter with the flora and fauna of the Amazon jungle to board the canoe and get on time for your flight back to Quito. Packed breakfast will be served on the way.



Per Person

DAY 1 

Your journey starts with a 40-minute flight from Quito to Coca where the staff will pick you up and transfer to the banks of Napo River. There, your bilingual guide will explain about safety before embarking for a 2 ½ boat trip on the largest Ecuadorian affluent of the Amazon, the Napo River. During the journey you get a taste of the Amazon ancestral communities who live in the Napo river. The canoe ride is followed by a 15-minute walk through a wooden platform and 20-minute paddle canoe across the beautiful Challwuacocha Lake. The staff will welcome you with refreshing cold drinks before you start your adventure in the Amazon Rainforest.
You will receive a birdwatching guide.
Late afternoon, you will have a short walk on the nearby trails or a canoe ride with many chances to observe primates, Amazonian birds, black caimans and a close encounter with the amazing flora represented by cedar trees, orchids, and bromeliads but above all you will leave to look for birds. Return to the lodge, where our chef will be happy to offer a wide variety of national and international cuisine that caters vegetarians and vegans.
Then you will have a briefing with the guide about the Amazon Rainforest while you enjoy drinks and cocktails made for our barman.

DAY 2 

After breakfast, experience the life on the tree tops from the 36 meter (118 ft.) observation tower. To get there your leaders will paddle on the Challuacocha Lake for 30 minutes followed by a short 10-minute walk. Over 565 species of birds have been registered so far, including colorful birds such as macaws, toucans, honeycreepers, tanagers, flycatchers, hummingbirds and with a bit of luck a close view of howler, squirrel monkeys or sloths resting on the canopy. The tower gives you a unique perspective, opening up a whole new world of Amazon biodiversity that is often difficult and almost impossible to see from the understory. The journey continues exploring the nearby trails searching for more Amazonian creatures.Return to the lodge for lunch.After lunch there are many alternatives for your enjoyment, bird watching from the bar, in front of the lagoon or simply relax in the hammocks. In the afternoon you will walk through Chorongo or Coto trail with the goal to find more species of birds.After dinner, explore the lagoon looking for the rare Black Caiman that can reach up to 6 meters of large and also is in danger of extinction, then you’ll go back to the lodge. 

DAY 3 

After breakfast departure to the Napo River to board the boat and visit the parrot-clay lick at Yasuní National Park for a wonderful view of hundreds of parrots searching for a gap to land and eat the earth in a process for their digestion. Here you will see Mealy Amazon, Yellow-crowned, Orange-winged and Blue-headed parrots. Continue with a hike on the south of the Napo inside Yasuní National Park considered for scientists like the most biodiverse area in the world, here, some species that cannot be found in the north might be spotted: golden–mantled tamarins and spider monkeys, blue and yellow macaws and with a bit of luck a close encounter with white-lipped or collared peccaries. Head back to Sani Community Center to visit a native house to get a taste of how a typical Kichwa family lives. Enjoy their food, drinks, customs, and culture of Sani Isla community and learn how the lifestyle of the locals is environmentally sustainable.Visit the islands of Napo River to find the species that habit these ecosystems. It is very important that you bring your binoculars to see them.In the return there will be a feedback of birds seen along with the checklist.Dinner at the lodge.

DAY 4 

After breakfast head back to the Napo River to board the boat and visit the parrots wall at Yasuní National Park for a wonderful view of hundreds of parrots searching for a gap to land and eat the earth in a process for their digestion. Here you will see Mealy Amazon, Yellow-crowned, Orange-winged and Blue-headed parrots. Then return to Coca on time to get your flight back to Quito.
End of services! 



Per Person

day 1

The experience starts with a 30-minute flight from Quito to the Coca airport. Upon arrival, the guide takes you on a short bus ride to the Napo River pier. From there, a three-hour motor canoe trip down the largest Ecuadorian tributary of the Amazon.

During the journey, you will first glimpse the Amazonian ecosystem, including ancestral communities, crops, local fruits, Kaypok trees, and giant fig trees, along with islands of different ages and vegetative succession. Various bird species, such as herons, egrets, and vultures, can be spotted while enjoying a packed lunch.

The journey continues with a short walk to Challwacocha Creek, where you will board paddle canoes for a trip through a primary flooded forest of black tea-colored waters teeming with wildlife. Don´t be surprised to see black-mantled tamarin and squirrel monkeys on the way to the lodge. Upon arrival, you will be served a welcome cocktail and snacks, followed by an introductory talk about the lodge and its facilities before settling into your cabin.

The guide will explain the activities for the rest of the day. One option is to walk along the nearby trails or take a canoe ride. During these activities, you will be able to observe primates, endemic birds, black caimans, and the Amazonian flora, including giant Kapok trees, cedar, orchids, bromeliads, and palms. At dinner time, our chef offers various national and international cuisine options that cater to celiacs, vegetarians, and vegans.

The lake is a refuge for the endangered black caiman. After dinner, the naturalist and local guides lead a canoe excursion in search of these large South American alligators, which can measure up to 6 meters (18 feet).

day 2

Experience the upper canopy from our 36-meter (118-foot) tower built around a millennial Kapok tree. In the early morning, take a paddle canoe to cross the lake and observe the first signs of wildlife. Hundreds of parrots and macaws fly nearby, searching for their first meal. Meanwhile, the endemic Stinky turkey perches placidly on tree branches as if waiting for the guests' first-morning photo. In the background, a Donacobious can be heard singing something resembling a car alarm.

Upon reaching the lake's end, a small channel opens up, allowing navigation through a unique forest of 'elephant ear and freshwater mangrove.' This area is the habitat of howler, capuchin, and squirrel monkeys, as well as some species of kingfishers, capped herons, woodcreepers, woodpeckers, and anis. Finally, reach the mainland and continue with a 10-minute walk through a terra firme forest trail leading to the tower.

The canopy is a haven for wildlife viewing. Colorful birds such as macaws, toucans, parrots, honeycreepers, tanagers, and cotingas fly by while monkeys and sloths forage in the treetops. The tower provides a unique perspective, offering a glimpse into the diverse world of the Amazon that is impossible to appreciate from the forest floor.

After returning to the canoe, we will go piranha fishing, one of the symbolic creatures of the Amazon. Following the fishing, we will head back to the lodge for lunch.
During a break from guided activities, you can enjoy the lodge's facilities, such as wildlife watching from the three- story dock overlooking the forest, having a cold beverage at the bar while enjoying the lagoon view, or simply relaxing in the hammocks with a book.

Take an afternoon nature walk through the primary forest to discover the intrinsic relationships between living creatures and their roles in this complex tropical ecosystem. The flora is rich and includes orchids, lianas, fig trees, valuable species such as cedar and mahogany, and medicinal and useful plants used by locals. You will also see ancient trees adorned with lianas and bromeliads.

After dinner, a different world awakens. It's time for a night walk to listen to and enjoy the chorus of bats, frogs, and crickets while observing dozens of insect species, tarantulas, tree frogs, and, with a bit of luck, snakes, armadillos, and night monkeys.

day 3

In the morning, return to the Napo River to board a motor canoe and visit the Parrot Clay Lick in Yasuní National Park. This is a visible landslide from the river where clay is exposed for parrots and parakeets to digest as part of their nutrition-detoxification process. You can spot five species: Mealy-Amazon, Blue-headed, Yellow-crowned parrots, Dusky-headed, and White-eyed parakeets.

The adventure continues with a walk in the foothills of Yasuní, which scientists consider the most biodiverse area in the world. The flora is spectacular, with centenary trees and traditional medicine, including species that can only be found south of Napo, such as the Golden-mantled tamarin, spider monkeys, and Scarlet Macaws. The hike in this unique ecosystem offers much to be discovered: footprints of jaguars and pumas, encounters with deer, white-lipped peccaries, or white-collared peccaries.

Leave Yasuní Park and head to the Sani Isla Community Center. Here, the women of the Sani Warmi Organization will share the customs and teach the use of medicinal plants of the Amazonian Kichwa culture. This unique experience will help you understand why this way of life is environmentally sustainable. Experience an Amazonian cooking class at midday; follow their instructions to prepare your lunch using local ingredients. Additionally, guests can support the local economy by shopping for handicrafts local women make using natural fibers and forest products. This income allows them to invest in education and boost the local economy. After a full day of adventure, wildlife, and culture, return to the lodge to enjoy the Amazonian sunset from the bar or the dock. 

day 4

The long-awaited day has arrived after enjoying the flora, fauna, culture, and facilities of Sani moment to let oneself be carried away by the sacred power of shamanism at Kallary Kawsay Ceremonial Center.

Once in the center, the shaman explains in detail the meaning of spiritual cleansing in the cosmovision of the Kichwa culture. Kallary Kawsay is a beautiful spot surrounded by gardens with staple crops such as banana, manioc, and tobacco plants, colorful flowers, and fruiting shrubs that provide food for hummingbirds, honeycreepers, and tanagers.

The ceremony starts with the shaman sharing a locally-made cigar and asking the guests to pass it around to imbue the energy that will enable him to read the vibes once it is lit. The shaman will blow the smoke around the body to proceed with diagnosing the energy balance. The guest can enjoy a hand-made cedar bathtub filled with an herbal infusion and healing plants for spiritual cleansing. The use of healing plants is intended to eliminate negative energy. After the ceremony, you will experience a sense of peace and overall well-being.

Lunch will be served on-site, followed by a demonstration on how to make fishing lines, hammocks, and baskets from palm fibers and lianas. In the afternoon, head back to the lodge.

day 5

After an early breakfast, it is time to take the last canoe ride through Chawllacocha Creek, accompanied by the Amazonian wildlife and the sunrise. Board the motor canoe in the Napo River to leave behind this magical land and arrive on time for the flight to Quito.


You can stay alone or accompanied and connect completely with all the activities we offer in one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. Relax at the same time that our team provides a large number of amenities for you to enjoy an exceptional experience during your vacation. 

  • 1 Queen size bed 
  • 1 single size bed 
  • Max 3 people

 RATES PER PERSON 2024 - 2025

4D/3N $930 $1271
5D/4N $1137 $1552


Disconnect in the middle of the rainforest in our comfortable mini suite cabin where you will have more privacy while you feel immersed and comfortable in one of the most pristine places on the planet. Our cabin offers a spectacular view of the lagoon. Ideal for quiet evenings contemplating a sunset in the Amazon forest.

  • 1 King size bed
  • Sofa
  • Balcony overlooking the lagoon
  • 1 mini fridge
  • 2 people

 RATES PER PERSON 2024 - 2025

4D/3N $976 $1335
5D/4N $1193 $1628


The # 1 chosen by the families. The natural and healthy environment of the Amazon is conceived in harmony with the interior and exterior of our cabin and is an example of responsible consumption framed within sustainable development. Our family cabin has a large balcony from where you can enjoy the incredible scenery, the lagoon, and direct contact with nature.

Upper story 
• 1 King size bed 
• 1 full bathroom 
• Balcony 
Lower story 
• 1queen size bed + 3 single beds
 • 2 full bathrooms 
• living room and large balcony 
• Max. 6 people 
• 1 mini fridge


4D/3N $1035
5D/4N $1317


What is included in the programs?
  • Accommodations
  • All meals begin with packed lunch on the firstday, ending with breakfast on the last day.
  • All excursions and activities like program detail
  • Purified water, coffee, and tea free of charge
  • Snacks for morning excursions
  • Transfer Coca–Lodge – Coca
  • English-speaking naturalist guide shared-Shared bilingual birding guide and excursions.
  • Rubber boots up to 12 US Men’s size - Rain Poncho
  • A private guide can be requested on booking; the extra charge will apply.
What is not included in the tour?
  • Air ticket Quito – Coca – Quito $256 USD per person.
  • their parents, upon presentation of their passport or identity document.
  • Entrance fee to the Parrot clay lick area USD $35 pp
  • Other non-specified requirements (laundry
  • Family cabin: 4 twin + 1 queen size beds (Minimum 4 people) special price under request 
  • Other alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks 
What to bring?

Lightweight pants and long sleeved cotton shirts are ideal for walks in the forest. However, if you are more comfortable wearing short sleeves, remember that exposed skin may need a light dousing with insect repellant.

During the rain, full waterproof clothing can be uncomfortable as it often gets you wet with sweat instead of water, but rain ponchos are recommendable for tropical cloudbursts. Plenty of ponchos are available at no charge if you do not have your own, and we also supply rubber boots up to men’s size 14 for walks in the forest interior.

Comfortable shoes (or sandals), shorts and t-shirts are fine for walking on boardwalks and around the Lodge during meals and free time. And don’t forget your bathing suit!

  • Passport
  • Binoculars
  • Flashlight and batteries
  • Camera, memory and flash
  • Insect repellent
  • Sun protection (cream / sunglasses / hat or cap)
  • Light long pants and long-sleeved shirts for walks
  • Shorts, short sleeve shirts and swimsuit for the Lodge
  • Comfortable shoes and extra socks
  • Small day backpack
  • Plastic bags to protect cameras, binoculars, batteries, etc... from rain
Important Notes and Children policies:
  • 50% discount for Childrenunder 11 years at the tour time.
  • 2 years old is the minimum age for traveling
  • recommend that families with children take a private guide
  • If you wish to book a private guide, it must be booked for the entire tour.
  • Private bird watching guide. Speaks English $150.00 per day.
  • Local Spanish speaking bird watching guide $100.00 per day
  • Private naturalist guide Speaks English $120.00 per day
  • Private guide Speaks German or French $150.00 per day


From $979

Sani Lodge

From $1690

Sacha Lodge

From $1210

La Selva Lodge

From $444

Yarina Lodge

From $690

Eden Amazon Lodge



                  TC white winner gif L 2024

2019 COE 2019




certificate of excellence 2018


Certificateofexcellene 2015 EN1


  • United States +1
  • United Kingdom +44
  • Afghanistan (‫افغانستان‬‎) +93
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  • Congo (Republic) (Congo-Brazzaville) +242
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  • Lebanon (‫لبنان‬‎) +961
  • Lesotho +266
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  • Norfolk Island +672
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  • Northern Mariana Islands +1
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  • Oman (‫عُمان‬‎) +968
  • Pakistan (‫پاکستان‬‎) +92
  • Palau +680
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  • Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon) +508
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1
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  • San Marino +378
  • São Tomé and Príncipe (São Tomé e Príncipe) +239
  • Saudi Arabia (‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬‎) +966
  • Senegal (Sénégal) +221
  • Serbia (Србија) +381
  • Seychelles +248
  • Sierra Leone +232
  • Singapore +65
  • Sint Maarten +1
  • Slovakia (Slovensko) +421
  • Slovenia (Slovenija) +386
  • Solomon Islands +677
  • Somalia (Soomaaliya) +252
  • South Africa +27
  • South Korea (대한민국) +82
  • South Sudan (‫جنوب السودان‬‎) +211
  • Spain (España) +34
  • Sri Lanka (ශ්‍රී ලංකාව) +94
  • Sudan (‫السودان‬‎) +249
  • Suriname +597
  • Svalbard and Jan Mayen +47
  • Sweden (Sverige) +46
  • Switzerland (Schweiz) +41
  • Syria (‫سوريا‬‎) +963
  • Taiwan (台灣) +886
  • Tajikistan +992
  • Tanzania +255
  • Thailand (ไทย) +66
  • Timor-Leste +670
  • Togo +228
  • Tokelau +690
  • Tonga +676
  • Trinidad and Tobago +1
  • Tunisia (‫تونس‬‎) +216
  • Turkey (Türkiye) +90
  • Turkmenistan +993
  • Turks and Caicos Islands +1
  • Tuvalu +688
  • U.S. Virgin Islands +1
  • Uganda +256
  • Ukraine (Україна) +380
  • United Arab Emirates (‫الإمارات العربية المتحدة‬‎) +971
  • United Kingdom +44
  • United States +1
  • Uruguay +598
  • Uzbekistan (Oʻzbekiston) +998
  • Vanuatu +678
  • Vatican City (Città del Vaticano) +39
  • Venezuela +58
  • Vietnam (Việt Nam) +84
  • Wallis and Futuna (Wallis-et-Futuna) +681
  • Western Sahara (‫الصحراء الغربية‬‎) +212
  • Yemen (‫اليمن‬‎) +967
  • Zambia +260
  • Zimbabwe +263
  • Åland Islands +358
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