This great trip of 11 days / 10 nights offers you the opportunity to mix the main places of the Ecuadorian Andes and the Pacific coast. You will be able to enjoy the wonderful biodiversity, natural landscapes, and Cultural places of these two regions of Ecuador, such as the Otavalo indigenous market, the birdwatching paradise in Mindo, the active volcano Cotopaxi, the entrance of the Amazon basin in Banos and finally Cuenca city. Then we'll visit the Ecuadorian coast where its paradise beaches you can relax and enjoy a healthy environment in a magnificent tour.





  • Quito: The Historic Center of Quito was declared a Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO on September 8, 1978. It is the least altered and the best preserved in America. Mitad del Mundo. This is one of the most famous attractions in Quito, You can visit the monument or the insitu museum called Inti-Ñan. You can discover the great details of the solar system, the effect that the position of the equator and ancient cultures and much more..!
  • Otavalo: It is called "Intercultural Capital of Ecuador" for its cultural and historical richness.
  • Mindo: One of the most famous cloud forests is located in a valley, the Mindo Cloud Forest, of which about 19,000 hectares are protected, which is called the Mindo Nambillo Protective Forest. About 500 varieties of birds and 90 species of butterflies live in this ecosystem. Likewise, in the Mindo reserve park, more than 170 species of orchids have been identified and bromeliads, heliconias, ferns, vines, mosses and lichens abound. Despite being small in size, Mindo is home to about 500 varieties of birds and approximately 90 types of butterflies. In addition, more than 170 species of orchids have been found. Sunrise and sunset are the best times to see many birds.
  • Cotopaxi National Park: ​Cotopaxi is a tourist place in Ecuador, one of the heights that you cannot miss visiting. Discover here how to get there, climate, altitude, biodiversity, and more. A representative volcano of the Sierra Region.
  • Quilotoa: Quilotoa or "princess diamond" in Kichwa, is one of the colossi of the avenue of volcanoes in whose crater lies a spectacular lagoon, hence you will always hear stories of the Quilotoa Volcano and the Quilotoa Lagoon.
  • Baños: Also known as "Piece of Heaven", "Gateway to the Amazon", "Puerta de El Dorado" or "City of the Volcano". It is the land of rivers to practice extreme sports.
  • Los Frailes: is one of the most beautiful beaches in Ecuador, due to its extension, white sand, the tranquility it offers as it is separated from the road and because it is usually empty. It belongs to the Machalilla National Park and is surrounded by cliffs and a viewpoint.
  • Puerto Lopez: It is known as "Ecological and tourist city", it has beautiful white sand beaches, and the privilege of having the Machalilla National Park. It is a canton in the province of Manabí considered by nature a fishing port, tourist and agricultural center.

Welcome to Ecuador, a small but certainly charming country full of adventures. Our guide will meet you at the airport, welcome you, and give you an introduction to the Andes and Coast tour - 11 days / 10 nights. You will be transferred to your hotel in Quito where you will spend the night. 

  • Double accommodation in a hotel of your choice.

We will visit some of the most famous squares, churches and colonial buildings. The Plaza de la Independencia with its Presidential Palace, the Archbishop's Palace, the Municipal Building, the Statue of Independence and the Cathedral. We will continue to the churches of El Sagrario and La Compañía, and then the church and convent of San Francisco. We will take a look inside the church and be amazed by the exuberant gold that was used to decorate the oldest church in Quito. Then we will move to the Panecillo and the statue of the Virgin of Quito. From here we will have the opportunity to see both parts of Quito and the surrounding snow-capped volcanoes! 
In the afternoon we will continue the famous Mitad del Mundo. This is one of the most famous attractions in Quito, You can visit the monument or the insitu museum called Inti-Ñan. You can discover the great details of the solar system, the effect that the position of the equator and ancient cultures and much more..!
Finally you will visit the Teleferiqo (cable car) of Quito. Over 2,500 meters you will reach the top of the PIchincha Volcano, this great visit is a unique experience, which offers a great view of the landscape of the north, center and south of the city. After this visit we will be dropped off at our hotel.  Overnight in Quito.

  • Meals: Breakfast
  • Double accommodation in a hotel of your choice.

This morning you will have the morning free, the Agua Santa baths are known for having direct volcanic water from the Tunguragua volcano in pools where you can enjoy a relaxing bath with the volcano's nutrients. At noon we will leave Banos and return to Quito. On the way we will make a short visit to the town of Salasaca, where we can find textile items manufactured by this community. 

  • Meals: ​​Breakfast
  • Double accommodation in a hotel of your choice.



21 Days - ​From $4992

The 4 Worlds of Ecuador

20 Days - From $5430

The best of Ecuador

19 Days - From $2648   

Amazing Ecuador

14 Days - From $2168   

Natural Ecuador

11 Days - From $1548   

Andes and Coast

6 Days - From $987   

Andes and Amazon

5 Days - From $835    

Volcanoes avenue & Cuenca

3 Days - ​From $404   

Cotopaxi and Quilotoa

3 Days - ​From $399

Otavalo cultural tour

3 Days - From $411   

Mindo Cock of the rock

3 Days - ​From $442   

Banos Route of the cascades

2 Days - ​From $237   

Otavalo market


                  TC white winner gif L 2024

2019 COE 2019




certificate of excellence 2018


Certificateofexcellene 2015 EN1